Statement of Principles and Values
The principles and values that guide our efforts as a school seeking partnership with parents for the education and formation of their children are listed below.
The Hawthorn School is a preparatory school for boys and girls that offers a challenging and well-rounded education—intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical—in an environment of personal freedom and responsibility. The liberal arts curriculum is complemented with cultural, athletic, and artistic activities that promote this integral education.
The education provided by the school cultivates all authentic human virtues in its students, especially love for the truth and a sense of wonder, love for freedom, optimism, industriousness, respect for others, and a spirit of service. In developing these virtues, it fosters actions done out of love for the good rather than fear of punishment or fear of failure.
The school understands its mission as a collaboration with parents, who have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. Harmony between the intellectual and moral education received at school and the formation received at home is necessary for the school’s educational effectiveness.
Relationships between the teachers and the students are characterized by mutual trust, respect, and friendship. To the extent possible, teachers foster each student’s personal freedom and responsibility as the path to developing a mature character.
The Hawthorn program of education is individualized. Each student has a mentor who, in close communication with the student’s parents, follows the student’s progress. This mentor helps the student to develop his or her talents and cultivates a sense of responsibility towards his or her own personal growth, which is chiefly manifested in the student’s efforts in academic work.
An integral part of The Hawthorn School’s unique ethos is that its educational and formational activities are carried out with a Christian spirit and in accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church. While Hawthorn is open to persons of all creeds, it asks the members of its community—students, parents, faculty, board, staff—to adhere to the tenets of morality taught by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, which it respects and venerates with loyalty. In addition, Hawthorn faithfully teaches Catholic doctrine as promulgated by that same Magisterium, to all Catholic students, and to any students from other creeds interested in this formation.
The school does not endorse or impose on its students any particular political views in areas open to personal opinions. It does, however, teach its students to act freely and responsibly in all civic tasks with a spirit of cooperation towards the common good and the improvement of society. Students are encouraged to find their personal successes in magnanimous service to others rather than only in their own individual achievements.
The Hawthorn School encourages the active participation of parents, faculty, staff, and students in the life of the school, each according to their own roles and responsibilities. The exercise of the various tasks and responsibilities is carried out in an environment of trust, friendship, cooperation, and service.
The school’s administration is responsible for organizing, developing, and guiding all educational activities at Hawthorn. The administration ensures that those involved in the school observe as their guiding light the principles summarized in this Statement of Principles and Values. Faculty and staff accept and agree to act in accordance with these principles and values when they are hired. In this way, the administration ensures that the education offered at Hawthorn is in accordance with its commitment to the students and their parents.
By applying to The Hawthorn School, parents choose and agree to support the type of education summarized in this Statement of Principles and Values, and also to seek to understand and promote the spirit and traditions of The Hawthorn School.