Tuition & Tuition Assistance
Tuition & Tuition Assistance
Tuition for all Grades (K-9) for the 2025-26 academic year is $20,500.
Tuition Assistance
The Hawthorn School’s tuition assistance program is designed to make a Hawthorn education possible for all families based on demonstrated financial need and the availability of funds. This year, Hawthorn is using the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need.
To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete.
The deadline for submitting the application for tuition assistance is January 31st for current families and February 28th for families applying for admission to the school.
Returning families receive their preliminary tuition assistance award letters with their re-enrollment contracts in early February.
Accepted applicants receive their tuition assistance award along with their admission decision on or before March 10.
The Hawthorn School cannot guarantee the availability of funds for late applicants.
Tuition Assistance FAQs
Approximately 25% of Hawthorn School students receive tuition assistance. The school allocates over $500,000 of tuition assistance awards each calendar year.
Tuition assistance is based on demonstrated financial need. We do not offer merit aid, academic scholarships, or athletic scholarships.
Yes, families must reapply for tuition assistance each year.
Automatic sibling discounts are not offered. Tuition assistance is based on demonstrated financial need. Families with multiple students enrolled at Hawthorn may qualify for some financial assistance, but each family’s unique financial circumstances determines their eligibility for assistance.
Accepted families are informed about their tuition assistance award on or before March 10. Awards are not finalized until parents’ current year tax forms are received (Form 1040, 1040S, etc.)
There are no ancillary fees for books, field trips, or events. There are costs for uniforms and hot lunches. FACTS assesses an enrollment fee to cover the technology costs of the enrollment platform, and Clarity assesses an application fee for financial aid applications. The Clarity fee is waived for families with extreme financial need.