Education and Citizenship with R.R.Reno

On Wednesday, May 10th, the school community and friends gathered at the historic Bedford assembly hall to hear a talk entitled Educating Our Children for Citizenship given by R.R.Reno, the editor of First Things. The magazine is published monthly by the Institute on Religion and Public Life, and widely considered America' most influential journal of religion and public life. Dr. Reno elaborated on his theme by pointing out the essential role played by a liberal arts education in forming young people's capacity to critically evaluate the claims of political leaders while deliberating with their peers on how best to collaborate in the work of  democratic self-government. Reno highlighted the need for young persons to be at home in the great patrimony of human achievement before they have the confidence and intellectual tools to take on the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in a free society. After his talk, there was a lively exchange of questions and answers followed by a wine and cheese social.

Click here to see some pictures of the event


May crowning


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