Save the date! Upcoming events

  • 11/1 All Saints Day Festival: In keeping with the spirit of Halloween, students and teachers will be celebrating a festival day here at school on Tuesday, November 1st, All Saints Day. The day's events will include Holy Mass, an assembly on the meaning of the festival day, a special lunch, athletic contests, and competitions of poetry and song. School hours remain the same as any other day.

  • 11/11 Veterans Day: School is in session. We will commemorate the contributions of all veterans who have sacrificed so much for the freedoms we now enjoy.

  • 11/16 Parent Teacher Night 6:00pm to 8:00pm.*

  • 11/17 Coffee with the President, 8:10am: Join us on the third Thursday of each month in the living room after drop-off for coffee and light refreshments. Our President, Dr. McCleary, sits down with parents to discuss what is happening at the school. While the discussion is often mission specific, questions from parents are always welcome and make for wonderful conversation.

  • 11/23 to 11/27 Thanksgiving break: Wednesday 23rd is a noon dismissal day.

  • 11/30 Hawthorn Art Night*, 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Join us on Wednesday 30th for a parent evening. We will have an art tour while enjoying some refreshments and getting to know other parents. Friends are welcome. RSVP here.

  • 12/11 Hawthorn Christmas party**, 2pm to 4pm

**We have moved the Christmas party from the 18th to the 11th to accommodate family travels during the Christmas break. It has been updated in the web calendar and will be communicated in the next newsletter. More details to follow!

*Parent teacher Night has been moved from 11/9 to 11/6. Art Night will be on Wednesday November 30th.


Extracurricular activities and clubs:


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