St. Joseph Festival

On Monday, May 1st, our students celebrated a festival day in honor of the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.
After  Mass and recess, everyone gathered to hear Dr. McCleary speak about the significance of the Feast Day before heading off for outdoor games and contests of speed and agility. A pizza lunch restored everyone's strength just in time for the afternoon contests of the Bard held in the Hawthorn Gym.
Singing and poetry recitations filled the air, and the competition was stiff. The judges had to admit that they faced tough decisions,but the clear winners were Mr. McGovern's class for best song in the upper grades,and Mrs. Macalintal's class for best in the lower grades. Matthew Minton took home first place in  upper grades poetry for a fabulous recital of Hilaire Belloc's  ironic favorite, "Jim" and Reagan Choi garnered top honors for a nuanced rendition of Robert Louis Stevenson's "From A Railway Carriage."
Click here to see some images.


Spring concert


Festival for the Feast of the Annunciation